How to use?
Pair a number
Connect your or any other number via QR code for testing
Test API methods
It’s take only 1 Minute to Get Started using the our easy-to-use Developer Tool
Setup your Webhook
Select and configure Webhook on any event in WhatsApp to send and receive messages
What is Whapi.Cloud?
Whapi.Cloud is a versatile WhatsApp API gateway that simplifies integration and communication for developers and businesses. It supports various features like chatbots, group management, bulk messaging, and automation. Unlike the official API, Whapi.Cloud offers added flexibility for community and status management.
With clear pricing, detailed documentation, and tools like real-time webhooks and customizable SDKs, Whapi.Cloud empowers developers and businesses to optimize WhatsApp interactions efficiently and at scale.
Check out the WhatsApp API
We regularly update new features to improve your experience. If you are looking for a missing feature, please contact our support team.