Whapi.Cloud Changelog
Whapi.Cloud was designed as an extensible product for programmers. We offer a simple and performant API to interact with WhatsApp. Our dedicated engineers continually enhance WhatsApp API based on your feedback.
February 24, 2025
- Implemented new endpoint: Reject call. Incoming parameters: call id and caller number (you can get them from webhook);
- Added the ability to upload images to Products via base64/mediaID;
- Restored operation of all buttons (interactive message);
- Fixed the functionality of edit and quoted parameters on media messages;
- Updated error code when updating a missing product;
January 31, 2025
- Service performance optimized;
- Improved and optimized the status delivery method, enabling support for a significantly higher number of devices;
- Added “exclude_contacts” parameter to methods of sending statuses (stories), allowing to exclude recipients;
- Webhook Chat Patch previously did not show the unread counter reset when reading a chat from your phone. It will now do so;
- Corrected the ID in the Tartger section of the webhook for a message changed via API;
- Responds when using channel extension methods in the partner API became clearer and more convenient.;
January 19, 2025
- Getting your account contacts via the “Get /contacts” method has become more stable, accurate and correct;
- Updated the package for sending media to statuses: Sent video content is now played by recipients from the first time at once;
- The function to create groups now checks for numbers that don't exist in WhatsApp. In the response, they go into the unprocessed_participants array;
- Restored the functionality of buttons in messages - Replay buttons are now visible in all versions of WhatsApp;
- Fixed chat behavior on chat archive / unarchive chat function;
December 29, 2024
- Implemented CreateCallEvent endpoint, allows you to create and retrieve a link for a joint video call (meeting);
- Implemented a fallback for cloud storage of your media (with storage settings enabled);
- The channel settings include a parameter that allows you to set your own proxy port. Read more about using resident proxy addresses for additional protection of your number here;
- Fixed behavior of unread message counter in webhook when using “Mark message as read” method;
November 27, 2024
- Optimized the interaction of channels with the base, to reduce the load on the infrastructure;
- Introduced a new channel status “SYNC_ERROR” to catch channel synchronization failure with your WhatsApp account. In this case, the API continues to work, but you won't be able to retrieve messages/chats/groups via GET methods. If this status appears, re-authorize in the channel;
- Implemented an endpoint that allows you to customize the settings for disappearing messages in the chat;
- Introduced a new endpoint for creating new labels;
- Implemented a new endpoint for pinning a message;
- Webhook data about a new message is enhanced with a parameter about the disappearance of the message;
- Completely fixed getting the list of members in Communities. Administrators see all available phone numbers of participants, while community members see phone numbers of only familiar contacts, as well as @lid data of unfamiliar ones;
- Changed the error to a more understandable one when trying to use an expired mediaID. Learn more about file and media expiration periods;
- Fixed display of Broadcasts in the response from Get Chats;
- Fixed guaranteed removal of members from the Community;
- Webhook in Chat Update mode now always shows the actual last message in the chat;
- Fixed behavior of unread parameter in callbacks, when using mark_unread method;
- Fixed QR code retrieval call using customization parameters;
- Fixed creation of product with PKR currency;
November 12, 2024
- Introduced an endpoint that allows you to join community groups;
- Added endpoint for creating Hidden Groups in communities;
- Added automatic picture cropping when setting channel profile picture to match WhatsApp requirements;
- Optimized the method for sending goods;
- Fixed accepting responses from DialogFlow if it offers multiple options;
October 28, 2024
- Implemented a no-code tool for bulk check of WhatsApp numbers that allows you to easily and accurately filter large lists and weed out invalid numbers;
- Implemented new methods that allow to fully manage collections in WhatsApp catalog: Create/Delete/Edit collection, as well as Get/Add/Remove item from collection;
- Fixed passing of "context - quoted" parameter in incoming callback when quoting messages with file;
- Fixed USERS POST webhook. Now it immediately sends a callback when a user is authorized in a channel;
- Added the ability to reply in private chat to community announcements;
- Standardized a single callback format when a button is clicked from the phone app and web version;
- Fixed behavior of "after_update" parameters in callbacks when changing labels on chat;
October 11, 2024
- Stories (Statuses) can now be sent in bulk batches, reliably up to 10k contacts. Tests show it works for 15-20k as well. We're working on removing these limits and have a confirmed hypothesis for the solution;
- Integration with n8n;
- Two new endpoints: Getting and changing profile details in Watsapp Business version;
- Added “linkedParent” parameter to the “announcements” group, which shows the ID of the linked community;
- The issue with updating profile/channel/group pictures;
- Adjusted PATCH Chats webhook: only up-to-date information appears;
September 26, 2024
- Buttons in messages are now displayed in the app and web version. Read more about how to send different types of buttons here:Sending buttons in WhatsApp;
- Implemented an endpoint for promoting a participant to admin in a community;
- Implemented an endpoint for demoting an admin in a community to a regular participant;
- Upgraded the endpoint for full management of group privacy settings;
- Added endpoints for Deactivating communities and Getting the list of groups from a community;
- Developed an endpoint GET for the Partner API, allowing to get partner balance information;
- Restored the operation of the endpoint for updating group icons;
- Added additional information in the response when adding a participant to a community;
- Fixed callbacks for outgoing messages with buttons.
September 12, 2024
- Buttons have been added! A new feature that allows you to send messages with quick reply buttons, callback button, OTP copy button, third-party link button, and list of options button;
- Added ability to follow voting in Channel (Newsletter) polls. More details on how to work with this function are described in our Knowledge Base: Get votes from polls in the Channel;
- A new endpoint has been prepared that will allow you to simulate a test callback to any link. This will allow you to quickly check your webhook and get the formats of any events;
- Added “Event” message type available in Community;
- Fixed Callback on message change in channels (newsletter);
August 30, 2024
- Added a webhook to receive information about a new request to join a group. Allows to get an instant callback with full details of the request;
- Now in "Get group info by invite code" you can get information about the amount of participants in the group;
- Added a new endpoint (POST /stories/send/audio) for sending voice messages in Stories (Statuses);
- Provision is made to automatically compress an image that is too large when creating a product;
- Fixed channel behavior that displayed incorrect status when phone connection failed. Now, when a session fails to connect to the channel, authorization is automatically reset;
- New group names are displayed correctly in "Get Chats";
- Completed a response to a request to create a group. Now, the array of numbers that could not be added to the group is displayed here. The reasons and solution for this are described in our Knowledge Base;
- Resolved issues with overwriting original message IDs to system messages;
August 13, 2024
- Adding multiple numbers to a group is now done with a single request, which groups the contacts into a single system message;
- The new method Subscribe to newsletter by invite code allows you to follow a channel with only invite_code;
- Similarly, you can exit the channel using the Unsubscribe from newsletter by invite code method;
- The Billing History page in the dashboard displays a button to download an invoice from Stripe;
- Endpoint for product update has been restored;
- Restored Group Patch webhook to change group name and change group profile picture;
- Fixed correct operation of chat archiving;
- Correct output of images of channel profiles (newsletters): if there is no image, the parameter is not displayed;
August 3, 2024
- Added a new parameter no_encode to media file sending endpoints. This parameter prevents file conversion on our side, resolving timeout issues during long media file conversions. If you are confident in your codecs, you can set no_encode = true to send your video in its original format. Note that this may affect video display on the web/phone versions;
- The Get newsletters response now displays the role of the connected device (admin, creator, subscriber, etc.);
- Added a parameter with newsletter ID and InviteCode to the "Channel Invitation" type message to make it easier to automate channel subscriptions;
- Added to POST /media the ability to upload by link / via base64 / file;
- Fixed sending GIF files;
- Fixed getting profile images (chat_pic) from Channels (newsletters);
July 29, 2024
- Fixed Disconnect Number feature. Logout now works quickly and correctly, displaying the "Logged Out" status in the app;
- Stabilized the connection of numbers to the channel to ensure correct data retrieval from the application;
- Fixed a situation when a system message appeared instead of a regular message by the same ID;
- Channels do not drop out of the Warmup module in case of rebooting;
- Optimized base operation;
July 18, 2024
- Communities: Create a community. We have described more about how community works in our knowledge base here. Due to some peculiarities, this functionality is in Beta testing. Please contact the support team to find out more details;
- Communities: Get a list of all the communities at your number. This is also how you can get information about a specific Community: Get a list of all the communities. Due to some peculiarities, this functionality is in Beta testing. Please contact the support team to find out more details;
- Communities: Link group to community and Unlink group from community;
- Implemented sending statuses (stories) to all contacts in your phonebook if no specific numbers are listed;
- Optimized the process of sending statuses, allowing you to send 4-8 times more stories at once (approximately 20,000);
- The new method Get list of join requests to the group: returns the list of join requests to the group;
- The new method Accept group applications for listed users. Allows you to approve a request to join a group. Returns a list with the result of the operation for each user;
- The new method Reject group applications for listed users. Allows you to deny requests to join a group. Returns a list with the result of the operation for each user;
- Send newsletter invite link: Implemented a method to send an invitation to a channel;
- Get newsletter info by invite code: New method to get channel info. It will come in handy if you have a link to the channel;
- Edit newsletter: Implemented method for changing channel details (name, picture, description, available reactions);
- Introduced new parameters “After” and “Before” in the "Get newsletter messages" endpoint, which allow you to retrieve quantitatively filtered messages;
- Added the name of the group to the callback format when a message comes in from there;
- Additional settings have been added to the source code of the checker on github to change the pause between checks and the amount of numbers that are checked at a time;
- New useful tools have been added to the dashboard: Base64 encoder and Vcard creator;
- Fixed receiving votes in polls in private messages;
- Fixed receiving user profile pictures;
- Fixed a situation where the reaction emoji for a message would return a modified ID of the original message;
- Getting /newsletters does not break if a previously deleted channel is included in the selection (WhatsApp also provides information about remote channels);
- Restored link preview processing speed;
- Restored trigger in poll callback;
- Fixed a situation in Get messages where message statuses were sometimes displayed in pending status despite being delivered;
- Fixed situation when status (story) changes ID after reaction;
June 25, 2024
- Free automatic number warm-up tool;
- Partner API: Endpoint to stop channel with return of unused days to balance;
- Possibility to send presence for groups (e.g., "typing");
- Process and convert .webp images on-the-fly;
- Performance of current features has been improved;
- Group Patch webhook customization fixed;
April 22, 2024 (View details)
- Channel performance is optimized to prevent frequent reconnections, ensuring stable operation;
- Automatic video and audio converters. This feature automatically converts media files to formats and codecs compatible with WhatsApp, eliminating concerns about media compatibility;
- New endpoint: Send newsletter admin invitation. In this method, you can send messages inviting people to become administrators of your WhatsApp Channel (newsletter) on WhatsApp;
- New endpoint: Accept newsletter admin invitation. This method is responsible for accepting an invitation to become an administrator of a WhatsApp Channel. This invitation is a message that you can both send and receive through the received message webhook;
- New endpoint: Revoke newsletter admin invitation. This method is responsible for revoking an invitation for WhatsApp Channel administrator;
- New endpoint: Remove newsletter admin. This method is responsible for removing a user from the administration of the WhatsApp Channel;
- Introduced new admin_invite message type and incoming webhook format;
- Added product details to the “product” type incoming message webhook;
- Added group details to the “group invitation” type incoming message webhook;
- New endpoint: Get group info by invite code. This method returns the group metadata with all information about the group and its participants;
- Processing incoming WhatsApp messages that start from Facebook and Instagram ads;
- In the “Get media files” endpoint, it is now possible to sort files by date of addition;
- Fixed the effect of a space in the file name when using a link from the cloud;
- Fixed display of link preview when there are other links in the message text;
- Restored Users Delete webhook: allows you to get details about a session disconnected from a channel;
- Improved detection of business version of messenger application;
April 9, 2024 (View details)
- Synchronization of new chats. If a new contact writes to you, this dialog will be immediately displayed when using the "Get chats" API call;
- Setting up a custom header in webhook. Implemented new parameter "headers" (array of objects) /settings that allows custom headers to be passed in the callback;
- In Api call "Set group icon", added use of file by link and MediaID for easy to use integration with;
- There is a new parameter "sort" in the API call to receive messages, which is responsible for sorting the issued messages. Where, sort=desc - by default, as it is output now from fresh to old and sort=asc - reverse sorting;
- There are two new parameters in the poll receiving: vote_limit - the amount of answer choices a user can select, and total - counts the sum of votes for all poll choices;
- How-To knowledge base for partners: step-by-step workflow, detailed documentation, etc.;
- Autonomously stabilize the problem of channels hanging in Launch status;
- Fixed deleting files in the cloud after 30 days;
- Fix to return partners days to balance when deleting a channel by subscription;
April 1, 2024 (View details)
- Send custom group invite link: "POST /groups/link/{InviteCode}". The method to send an invitation link to a WhatsApp Group that allows you to customize link previews and messages;
- Send catalog by Contact ID (phone number): "POST /business/catalogs/{ContactID}". The method allows you to send a link to a catalog. Customization of message preview is allowed;
- Get media files: "GET /media". The method to get all the files saved on the cloud from your channel. Please be reminded that all files on the cloud are now stored for 30 days;
- Webhook in "contacts" events to a new contact created in the phone;
- Poll ID does not change after voting now;
- The ID of a message is no longer changed after quoting;
- Deleting a MediaID now removes the file itself from the cloud;
- Fixed the order of delivered and read statuses when chat is open on the phone.
March 15, 2024 (View details)
- Major Backend Upgrade Boosts Our WhatsApp API Performance. Increased stability, increased speed of requests processing by 4-8 times;
- Sending short video messages: "POST /messages/short" allows you to send a new type of video message;
- Beta Testing: Receiving sms code for number registration via API without phone."POST /users/login/mobile" allows you to register and connect WhatsApp numbers without a phone;
- Information about views of stories and messages in the group: "GET /statuses/{MessageID}" allows you to get information about who has viewed your status ("story") or a message in a group;
- Views status (stories) added to webhooks;
- Resolved the problem of sending media files without extension;
- Added Announcements and Restricted parameters in group details;
- Implemented automatic retries to upload files in case of any errors;
- Added new whapi channel (instances) settings: Automatic loading of profile pictures of all contacts when authorizing a number, Offline mode for your number (affects iPhone notifications), Uploading old/new messages;
- Source code and a guide to the Google Sheets API and mailings via spreadsheets;
- Source code of the Channel-to-Channel Request Distributor for bulk mailings and number checks;
- Processing the soft ban of number;
- Fixed getting products;
- Fixed Unread parameter value calculation when getting Chats;
- Fixed Total parameter value counting when getting groups;
- Fixed getting messages from newsletter;
- Business version of the application is defined more accurately;
January 16, 2024
- Release of integration with;
- GET /users/{ContactID}/profile allows you to get profile information (description, profile picture) by phone number, even if it is not in your contact list;
- "GET /business/{ContactID}/products" allows you to get the catalog and products by phone number, even if it is not in your contact list;
- Uploaded the source code of the script for sending via Google Sheets on GitHub;
- WhatsApp Channels: file handling and link previews;
Dec 30, 2023 (View details)
- "POST /messages/image" method adapted for sending a media message to the Channel;
- "Subscribe to newsletter" method for joining the Channel;
- "GET /newsletters/find" method for searching Channels by criteria;
- "Get newsletter messages" method to get the list of posts from a Channel;
- Verification of DialogFlow integration passed;
- GET /health allows you to get the IP of a channel to whitelist it;
- "POST /business/products" to create goods via API;
- "PATCH /business/products/{ProductID}" to modify existing products via API;
- "GET /business/{ContactID}/products" get the list of products by phone number (does not require that this number is in your contacts list. The owner of the number will not know about it);
- "GET /users/{ContactID}/profile" get profile picture and description by phone number (does not require this number to be in your contacts list. The owner of the number will not know about it);
- Added "no_link_preview" parameter to POST /messages/text to allow sending a link without a preview;
- Fixed counting of reactions on posts in Channels;
- Fixed method for sending multiple vcards (POST /messages/contact_list);
- Fixed display of different mimetypes;
- Fixed appearance of new chats in GET /chats;
Dec 15, 2023 (View details)
- "GET /newsletters" method to get a list of your WhatsApp Channels;
- "POST /newsletters" method to create new Channel;
- "POST /messages/text" method adapted for sending a message to the Channel;
- DialogFlow integration (Beta testing);
- Get full-size profile pics of contacts/chats/groups;
- Fixed disappearing messages;
- Fixed processing of video/audio codecs when sending a file via a link;
- Sending Media by ID received from gadget when auto_downloading is disabled;
- Unified message ID in quotes in a group;
Dec 04, 2023 (View details)
- Authorization by phone number: Method /users/login/{PhoneNumber};
- Sign up for a new WhatsApp by text or call: Method /users/login/mobile (Beta testing);
- New Device system (Allow you to define or choose from ready-made dedicated device platforms to connect your number. Reduces the risk of blocking.);
- New Logger system (We'll be able to track more information about the channel in case of any issues);
- WhatsApp Channels (Alpha testing);
- New actions and triggers in Zapier (Groups, media messages and WhatsApp number checker are fully supported);
- Source code of WhatsApp Mass Checker on GitHub;
- "GET /stories" method to get a list of statuses of your contacts;
- "POST /stories" method to create and publish statuses (WhatsApp version of stories);
- Handling webhooks on timeout;
- Repeated attempts to add a file to the repository on failure;
- Effect of profile pics on receiving chats;
Nov 14, 2023 (View details)
- Adding contacts to WhatsApp via API (allows adding any participants to groups);
- Guaranteed webhooks (continues to send notifications if there are some issues on your side);
- Method "Get order items" and webhook for receiving new orders (carts);
- Ability to connect your proxies via API in "Update channel settings";
- Stable channel operation when working with mobile proxies (increases protection against blocking by ~30%);
- Getting the profile image of a client with whom there is a conversation;
- Notifications about changes in profile avatars and groups;
- /health allows not only to check the channel status but also to start it autonomously in case of issues;
- Added limit of 10000 requests per month for Sandbox channels;
- When authorizing the phone, the connection occurs through different browsers (lowering the risk of blocks);
- Creating a group now returns complete data of the group, not just its identifier;
- Incorrect links when sending Media will return a 400 error, not 500;
- edit parameter when sending messages via /linkPreview;
- Fixed source code in bots on GitHub;
Oct 25, 2023 (View details)
- The EDIT parameter in the send message function (of any type). Allows you to edit sent messages;
- GET /labels - Get a list of labels (20 in total);
- GET /labels/{labelID} - Get a list of label associations;
- POST /labels/{labelID}/{itemID} - Assign an association to a label (message/dialog);
- DELETE /labels/{labelID}/{itemID} - Delete the association;
- Webhooks: and labels.delete - new labels and delete labels;
- Webhooks: groups.put - changes to group members;
- Webhooks: - new groups;
- Webhooks: groups.patch - update group data;
- Webhooks: contacts.patch - update contacts;
- messages.patch and chats.patch send events if labels of messages and dialogs have changed;
- QR code is updated on time;
- Hooks do not include system hooks when loading;
- Designations of all subtypes in the query response are specified;
Oct 16, 2023 (View details)
- Added webhooks for various events: Messages (new/offline, editing, deletion), Statuses (of messages), Chats (reception, updating, deletion), Presences (number activity), Calls (incoming, missed, accepted, rejected), Users (Login/Logout), Channel (channel status change, QR update)
- Added source parameter, to identify the source of the message (API / Web WhatsApp / App)
- Stickers added to "auto_download" settings
- Added methods for user profile management (name / avatar / description)
- Added methods for managing blocklists (add to blacklist / remove)
- Increased the base64 limit per request length to 200mb
- Added and increased the number of proxies for channels (automatically applied to new channels)
- Fixed the "lastMessage" parameter when receiving chats
- Fixed avatars retrieval in new groups
- Correct "target" implemented in the webhook for message reactions
Sep 25, 2023
- Added the "Get presence" method. Allows you to get room statuses and e.g. develop Last Seen Checker
- Added the ability to display "typing" or "recording" statuses in the /presences method
- Fixed "Get group icon" and "Delete group icon" methods
- Fixed display of "played" status for audio messages
Sep 21, 2023
- Added filtering by author in /messages/list
- Added typing_time parameter to display typing status in /messages/text
- Added recording_time parameter to display recording status in /messages/voice
- Added ephemeral parameter to enable disappearing messages
- Added link_preview parameter to display link preview in /messages/text
- Value of total number of messages in /messages/list method is displayed correctly
- ID of one and the same message in 'Message' and 'Ack' hooks have been brought to the same format
Sep 15, 2023
- Added method for adding members to a group
- Introduced Stripe payment system
- Restrictions on the number of answer options in Polls were brought to standard