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Whapi.Cloud Changelog

Whapi.Cloud was designed as an extensible product for programmers. We offer a simple and performant API to interact with WhatsApp. Our dedicated engineers continually enhance WhatsApp API based on your feedback.

July 18, 2024



  • Fixed receiving votes in polls in private messages;
  • Fixed receiving user profile pictures;
  • Fixed a situation where the reaction emoji for a message would return a modified ID of the original message;
  • Getting /newsletters does not break if a previously deleted channel is included in the selection (WhatsApp also provides information about remote channels);
  • Restored link preview processing speed;
  • Restored trigger in poll callback;
  • Fixed a situation in Get messages where message statuses were sometimes displayed in pending status despite being delivered;
  • Fixed situation when status (story) changes ID after reaction;
June 25, 2024



  • Group Patch webhook customization fixed;
April 22, 2024 (View details)


  • Channel performance is optimized to prevent frequent reconnections, ensuring stable operation;
  • Automatic video and audio converters. This feature automatically converts media files to formats and codecs compatible with WhatsApp, eliminating concerns about media compatibility;
  • New endpoint: Send newsletter admin invitation. In this method, you can send messages inviting people to become administrators of your WhatsApp Channel (newsletter) on WhatsApp;
  • New endpoint: Accept newsletter admin invitation. This method is responsible for accepting an invitation to become an administrator of a WhatsApp Channel. This invitation is a message that you can both send and receive through the received message webhook;
  • New endpoint: Revoke newsletter admin invitation. This method is responsible for revoking an invitation for WhatsApp Channel administrator;
  • New endpoint: Remove newsletter admin. This method is responsible for removing a user from the administration of the WhatsApp Channel;
  • Introduced new admin_invite message type and incoming webhook format;
  • Added product details to the “product” type incoming message webhook;
  • Added group details to the “group invitation” type incoming message webhook;
  • New endpoint: Get group info by invite code. This method returns the group metadata with all information about the group and its participants;
  • Processing incoming WhatsApp messages that start from Facebook and Instagram ads;
  • In the “Get media files” endpoint, it is now possible to sort files by date of addition;


  • Fixed the effect of a space in the file name when using a link from the cloud;
  • Fixed display of link preview when there are other links in the message text;
  • Restored Users Delete webhook: allows you to get details about a session disconnected from a channel;
  • Improved detection of business version of messenger application;
April 9, 2024 (View details)


  • Synchronization of new chats. If a new contact writes to you, this dialog will be immediately displayed when using the "Get chats" API call;
  • Setting up a custom header in webhook. Implemented new parameter "headers" (array of objects) /settings that allows custom headers to be passed in the callback;
  • In Api call "Set group icon", added use of file by link and MediaID for easy to use integration with;
  • There is a new parameter "sort" in the API call to receive messages, which is responsible for sorting the issued messages. Where, sort=desc - by default, as it is output now from fresh to old and sort=asc - reverse sorting;
  • There are two new parameters in the poll receiving: vote_limit - the amount of answer choices a user can select, and total - counts the sum of votes for all poll choices;
  • How-To knowledge base for partners: step-by-step workflow, detailed documentation, etc.;


  • Autonomously stabilize the problem of channels hanging in Launch status;
  • Fixed deleting files in the cloud after 30 days;
  • Fix to return partners days to balance when deleting a channel by subscription;
April 1, 2024 (View details)


  • Send custom group invite link: "POST /groups/link/{InviteCode}". The method to send an invitation link to a WhatsApp Group that allows you to customize link previews and messages;
  • Send catalog by Contact ID (phone number): "POST /business/catalogs/{ContactID}". The method allows you to send a link to a catalog. Customization of message preview is allowed;
  • Get media files: "GET /media". The method to get all the files saved on the cloud from your channel. Please be reminded that all files on the cloud are now stored for 30 days;
  • Webhook in "contacts" events to a new contact created in the phone;


  • Poll ID does not change after voting now;
  • The ID of a message is no longer changed after quoting;
  • Deleting a MediaID now removes the file itself from the cloud;
  • Fixed the order of delivered and read statuses when chat is open on the phone.
March 15, 2024 (View details)


  • Major Backend Upgrade Boosts Our WhatsApp API Performance. Increased stability, increased speed of requests processing by 4-8 times;
  • Sending short video messages: "POST /messages/short" allows you to send a new type of video message;
  • Beta Testing: Receiving sms code for number registration via API without phone."POST /users/login/mobile" allows you to register and connect WhatsApp numbers without a phone;
  • Information about views of stories and messages in the group: "GET /statuses/{MessageID}" allows you to get information about who has viewed your status ("story") or a message in a group;
  • Views status (stories) added to webhooks;
  • Resolved the problem of sending media files without extension;
  • Added Announcements and Restricted parameters in group details;
  • Implemented automatic retries to upload files in case of any errors;
  • Added new whapi channel (instances) settings: Automatic loading of profile pictures of all contacts when authorizing a number, Offline mode for your number (affects iPhone notifications), Uploading old/new messages;
  • Source code and a guide to the Google Sheets API and mailings via spreadsheets;
  • Source code of the Channel-to-Channel Request Distributor for bulk mailings and number checks;
  • Processing the soft ban of number;


  • Fixed getting products;
  • Fixed Unread parameter value calculation when getting Chats;
  • Fixed Total parameter value counting when getting groups;
  • Fixed getting messages from newsletter;
  • Business version of the application is defined more accurately;
January 16, 2024



  • WhatsApp Channels: file handling and link previews;
Dec 30, 2023 (View details)



  • Fixed counting of reactions on posts in Channels;
  • Fixed method for sending multiple vcards (POST /messages/contact_list);
  • Fixed display of different mimetypes;
  • Fixed appearance of new chats in GET /chats;
Dec 15, 2023 (View details)



  • Fixed disappearing messages;
  • Fixed processing of video/audio codecs when sending a file via a link;
  • Sending Media by ID received from gadget when auto_downloading is disabled;
  • Unified message ID in quotes in a group;
Dec 04, 2023 (View details)


  • Authorization by phone number: Method /users/login/{PhoneNumber};
  • Sign up for a new WhatsApp by text or call: Method /users/login/mobile (Beta testing);
  • New Device system (Allow you to define or choose from ready-made dedicated device platforms to connect your number. Reduces the risk of blocking.);
  • New Logger system (We'll be able to track more information about the channel in case of any issues);
  • WhatsApp Channels (Alpha testing);
  • New actions and triggers in Zapier (Groups, media messages and WhatsApp number checker are fully supported);
  • Source code of WhatsApp Mass Checker on GitHub;
  • "GET /stories" method to get a list of statuses of your contacts;
  • "POST /stories" method to create and publish statuses (WhatsApp version of stories);


  • Handling webhooks on timeout;
  • Repeated attempts to add a file to the repository on failure;
  • Effect of profile pics on receiving chats;
Nov 14, 2023 (View details)


  • Adding contacts to WhatsApp via API (allows adding any participants to groups);
  • Guaranteed webhooks (continues to send notifications if there are some issues on your side);
  • Method "Get order items" and webhook for receiving new orders (carts);
  • Ability to connect your proxies via API in "Update channel settings";
  • Stable channel operation when working with mobile proxies (increases protection against blocking by ~30%);
  • Getting the profile image of a client with whom there is a conversation;
  • Notifications about changes in profile avatars and groups;
  • /health allows not only to check the channel status but also to start it autonomously in case of issues;
  • Added limit of 10000 requests per month for Sandbox channels;
  • When authorizing the phone, the connection occurs through different browsers (lowering the risk of blocks);


  • Creating a group now returns complete data of the group, not just its identifier;
  • Incorrect links when sending Media will return a 400 error, not 500;
  • edit parameter when sending messages via /linkPreview;
  • Fixed source code in bots on GitHub;
Oct 25, 2023 (View details)


  • The EDIT parameter in the send message function (of any type). Allows you to edit sent messages;
  • GET /labels - Get a list of labels (20 in total);
  • GET /labels/{labelID} - Get a list of label associations;
  • POST /labels/{labelID}/{itemID} - Assign an association to a label (message/dialog);
  • DELETE /labels/{labelID}/{itemID} - Delete the association;
  • Webhooks: and labels.delete - new labels and delete labels;
  • Webhooks: groups.put - changes to group members;
  • Webhooks: - new groups;
  • Webhooks: groups.patch - update group data;
  • Webhooks: contacts.patch - update contacts;
  • messages.patch and chats.patch send events if labels of messages and dialogs have changed;


  • QR code is updated on time;
  • Hooks do not include system hooks when loading;
  • Designations of all subtypes in the query response are specified;
Oct 16, 2023 (View details)


  • Added webhooks for various events: Messages (new/offline, editing, deletion), Statuses (of messages), Chats (reception, updating, deletion), Presences (number activity), Calls (incoming, missed, accepted, rejected), Users (Login/Logout), Channel (channel status change, QR update)
  • Added source parameter, to identify the source of the message (API / Web WhatsApp / App)
  • Stickers added to "auto_download" settings
  • Added methods for user profile management (name / avatar / description)
  • Added methods for managing blocklists (add to blacklist / remove)
  • Increased the base64 limit per request length to 200mb
  • Added and increased the number of proxies for channels (automatically applied to new channels)


  • Fixed the "lastMessage" parameter when receiving chats
  • Fixed avatars retrieval in new groups
  • Correct "target" implemented in the webhook for message reactions
Sep 25, 2023


  • Added the "Get presence" method. Allows you to get room statuses and e.g. develop Last Seen Checker
  • Added the ability to display "typing" or "recording" statuses in the /presences method


  • Fixed "Get group icon" and "Delete group icon" methods
  • Fixed display of "played" status for audio messages
Sep 21, 2023


  • Added filtering by author in /messages/list
  • Added typing_time parameter to display typing status in /messages/text
  • Added recording_time parameter to display recording status in /messages/voice
  • Added ephemeral parameter to enable disappearing messages
  • Added link_preview parameter to display link preview in /messages/text


  • Value of total number of messages in /messages/list method is displayed correctly
  • ID of one and the same message in 'Message' and 'Ack' hooks have been brought to the same format
Sep 15, 2023


  • Added method for adding members to a group
  • Introduced Stripe payment system


  • Restrictions on the number of answer options in Polls were brought to standard